Gaming Uncensored
December 2024

Top 10 Favorite All Time Games


1 - Final Fantasy 6
2 - Ocarina of Time
3 - Super Metroid
4 - Final Fantasy 7
5 - Grand Theft Auto 5
6 - Super Mario World
7 - Chrono Trigger
8 - Diablo 2
9 - World of Warcraft
10 - Metal Gear Solid


10 - Combat
9 - Super Mario Bros
8 - Adventures of Link
7 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2
6 - Toe Jam and Earl
5 - Grand Theft Auto 3
4 - Final Fantasy 7
3 - Metal Gear Solid 3
2 - Ocarina of Time
1 - Metal Gear Solid

Bubble Games:

Link to the Past
FF 10
The Walking Dead
Portal 2
Toe Jam and Earl
Mass Effect

Top 10 Most Influential Games

Pong - 1
Ocarina of Time - 2
Super Mario Bros - 3
Final Fantasy 7 - 4
Resident Evil - 5
Goldeneye - 6
GTA 3 - 7
Doom- 8
Metal Gear Solid - 9
Tetris - 10


"Furball" Game Concept
By Joshua Curcio and Kathleen Giddings

Gears of War

Gears of War
Gears of War : Tockey Style

The Gaming Uncensored Comic
Updated Feb 06

The SingleGuy Does Bunny

Chips, Salsa, Porn, And a Whole Mess of Fun!
By Cabage

The Best of Gaming Uncensored (will return shortly)
Brought to you by Cabage.

by Kevin

Derek the Cheapass Gamer: GU# 12 Audio Commentary for the hearing impaired



This Weeks Podcast: Show #332
We discuss a lot of news that makes us sound like the curmudgeons that we are. We also get a segment from Duff and talk a little Donald J Trump
RSS Direct Feed ShowNotes

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