Gaming Uncensored
March 2025

The Gaming Uncensored DJ's
Your DJ's are two guys who have nothing better to do with their lives... nothing at all.


"Who am I? Well... I’m Jamie Jordan and this little corner of the web is mine. What? You want to know more? Well, ok but you asked for it. In 2005, I launched this podcast, “Gaming Uncensored” with friend and co-host Tommy, which has a loyal fan base across three continents and many countries and still continues to grow. I am a 34 year old entertainer who loves an open mic. I've spent the last 7 years of my life trying to be the busiest man in podcasting. When I’m not podcasting, I run RaW Editing which specializes in audio. I also do stand up comedy whenever I get a chance. Yes, I realize that comedians are a dime a dozen, but one thing makes me “stand” out from all the rest, I’m in a wheelchair. So, there’s not really any standing involved. What do I do with all my spare time? Well it depends on the day. I love music. I’m a huge Dave Matthews fan, but I’ll listen to anything. I'm a freak when it comes to video games. If video games are digital crack then I'm defiantly a junkie. In 2012 I began co-writing a book with blogger, musician and teacher Sara Tiemogo to share my best stories and experiences of life in a wheelchair. Described by some as a "comic-book novel" the message is both encouraging and lightheartedly funny."


"Hey! My name is Tommy. That's about as interesting as my life gets. OK, not really but whatever. I am a broadcasting student at West Texas A&M. I host this litte show on KWTS along with Jamie Jordan. I've been a gamer since I was able to firmly grasp an NES controller. I enjoy all kinds of games, from Final Fantasy to Grand Theft Auto, Metal Gear Solid to Kingdom Hearts. I am blessed to have a beautiful wife and a great life. I am happy to just be doing whatever. "


Gaming Uncensored The One: 91.1 design by: