Yeti Corner: My most anticipated games of 2016

The last article I wrote was a look back at 2015, so the next logical thing to do is write an article about what games I’m looking forward to in 2016.  Let the cliche-fest continue!

NUMBER FIVE: The Division


I like Tom Clancy games, but I’m not a die-hard fan.  I enjoy Ghost Recon.  I’ve played several Splinter Cell titles; Rainbow Six has never really been my thing.  But The Division piqued my interest more than I expected.

I’m a bit of a sucker for post-apocalyptic and dystopian narratives.  The Division takes place in the immediate aftermath of a pandemic that collapses the government.  It has a bit of a Fallout vibe with the gameplay of a Tom Clancy shooter.

What excites me are the RPG elements to the game.  It seems to be MMO-ish while not being an MMO.  I like narrative driven RPGs.  The gameplay that we’ve seen so far gives me hope that it’ll be more exploration and story driven as opposed to a massive deathmatch.



XCOM: Enemy Unknown is one of the more surprisingly fun games I’ve played in the last five years.  The Roswell-ish style is honestly what got me excited about it, but the tactical, strategy based gameplay is what got me addicted.

The sequel looks to be every bit as good as the original (which itself was a reboot of an earlier franchise).  To be honest, the story isn’t what draws you into this title.  You play it because of the relatively unique gameplay.

That being said, the story actually interests me.  The premise is that the aliens won in the original game.  The new title takes place 20 years later, and you are tasked with leading an uprising to reclaim the planet from the aliens and their puppet government.  It’s a fresh take on a relatively overdone concept.

NUMBER THREE: The Legend of Zelda Wii U


If there’s a new Zelda game coming, it will be on my list of most anticipated games.  The Zelda franchise is one of my all time favorites.  The fact that this game is only third on the list is actually a bit of an indictment of Nintendo’s stagnation of the past few years.

I know few details about this new game.  I know it’s on the Wii U, which I don’t own, but if there is a game that will make me buy one, this is likely that game.

I know it’s supposed to be a big open world, navigable by Link’s trusted steed Epona, which makes it feel like Ocarina of Time.  I know it’s supposed to be pretty, at least based on that tech demo we saw a while back.  Outside of that, I have no idea on storyline or gameplay.  I hope it’s good.  Don’t let me down on this one Nintendo!

NUMBER TWO: Uncharted 4


Somehow Sony created an Indiana Jones franchise without licensing the Harrison Ford character.  And it’s amazing.  It’s arguably the best exclusive game franchise going right now.

As such, there’s mass anticipation for the next installment in the series.  I’m included amongst those waiting on the edge of my plush gaming seat for Uncharted 4.  As it’s the first Uncharted on the PS4, the visuals look stunning.  Nathan Drake is a fascinating character, so furthering his narrative adds to the intrigue.

At the end of the day, though, Uncharted games are just fun.  Of all the games on this list, Uncharted 4 is the one I know, without a doubt, that I’ll have a blast with.

NUMBER ONE: No Man’s Sky


I don’t understand this game still, which is one of the reasons it’s so interesting.  To be honest, the last game I felt this way about was Spore.  That ended up being a huge disappointment.  No Man’s Sky could easily succumb to the same fate.  But I don’t care.  It looks awesome.

The idea is you explore a perpetually generating universe.  It’s kind of like an MMO, except there seems to be a good chance that you will never actually run into another player.  To my introverted, antisocial self, that sounds like the perfect MMO!

But there are lots of questions.  How long can you explore before the game becomes redundant?  How much new content is there to keep you coming back?  Is there enough purpose and focus to make it a game, and not just a mass exploration simulation?  Whatever the answers to these questions are, the tech has me pumped and I hope the game lives up to the incredibly lofty hype.


With so many good titles coming out this year, I have to mention a few that didn’t make the top five.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst:
The reboot of this single-game franchise looks really good.  It’s not a sequel, nor a remake.  The franchise seems much too young for a reboot already, but the first game was lots of fun even with its flaws, so I’m hopeful.

Dishonored 2:
As a sequel to a great initial game, this almost cracked the top five for me.  I throughly enjoyed the steampunk, Thief-ish nature of the first title.  This game has a great chance of being in my top five at the end of the year.

Mass Effect Andromeda:
While I love Mass Effect, I simply don’t know enough about this title to be super pumped yet.  I’m also skeptical that we’ll actually see it this year.

The Last Guardian:
It’s been vaporware for so long that I’m still a little skeptical on a 2016 release.  I’m also worried it’s not going to live up to the hype.  It’s still exciting that it’s officially happening, and that makes it note worthy.

Final Fantasy XV:
I’m optimistic about this Final Fantasy title, but I’ve said that for most of the recent single-player installations of the franchise, and they’ve mostly let me down.  This one has a lot going for it, even through the potential bromance mess.  My all-time favorite game is a Final Fantasy title, so I want it to be good.  I’m just not convinced it will be.  Not yet.

Here’s to an awesome and game-filled 2016!

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4 Responses to “Yeti Corner: My most anticipated games of 2016

  • Josemari Zafra
    9 years ago

    Some good picks there

  • That’s the closest to my own personal list I’ve seen posted by anyone. Uncharted 4 is at the top, mostly because I know what to expect.
    I’d like to give a mention to Firewatch, which is out next month. Really interesting concept and has me very intrigued.
    Either way, hugely looking forward to 2016 in gaming!

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  • Tommy's Most Anticipated Games of 2016 | Entertainment News, Reviews, and Interviews for Film, Television, Comics, Gaming, Sports, Music, Cosplay, Events, Products and more :

    […] Gaming News | January 10, 2016 | 0 | by Tommy Lozure Article Originally posted on The last article I wrote was a look back at 2015, so the next logical thing to do is write an […]

    9 years ago
  • Tommy's Most Anticipated Games of 2016 | Entertainment News, Reviews, and Interviews for Film, Television, Comics, Gaming, Sports, Music, Cosplay, Events, Products and more :

    […] Gaming, Gaming News | January 10, 2016 | 0 | by Tommy Lozure The last article I wrote was a look back at 2015, so the next logical thing to do is write an article about what games I’m looking forward to in 2016.  Let the cliche-fest continue!NUMBER FIVE: The DivisionI like Tom Clancy games, but I’m not a die-hard fan.  I enjoy Ghost Recon.  I’ve played several Splinter Cell titles; Rainbow Six has never really been my thing.  But The Division piqued my interest more than I expected.I’m a bit of a sucker for post-apocalyptic and dystopian narratives.  The Division takes place in the immediate aftermath of a pandemic that collapses the government.  It has a bit of a Fallout vibe with the gameplay of a Tom Clancy shooter.What excites me are the RPG elements to the game.  It seems to be MMO-ish while not being an MMO.  I like narrative driven RPGs.  The gameplay that we’ve seen so far gives me hope that it’ll be more exploration and story driven as opposed to a massive deathmatch.NUMBER FOUR: XCOM 2XCOM: Enemy Unknown is one of the more surprisingly fun games I’ve played in the last five years.  The Roswell-ish style is honestly what got me excited about it, but the tactical, strategy based gameplay is what got me addicted.The sequel looks to be every bit as good as the original (which itself was a reboot of an earlier franchise).  To be honest, the story isn’t what draws you into this title.  You play it because of the relatively unique gameplay.That being said, the story actually interests me.  The premise is that the aliens won in the original game.  The new title takes place 20 years later, and you are tasked with leading an uprising to reclaim the planet from the aliens and their puppet government.  It’s a fresh take on a relatively overdone concept.Continue Reading on […]

    9 years ago

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